It may seem like a weird title for a blog post. You may be asking how do you recycle aquarium water? or is it paper, metal, glass or plastic? well before you pour your aquarium water down the drain. consider everything your wasting, fish tank water contains all kinds of key nutrients that will go to waste if not used. Waters your gardens and house plants with natural organic , aquarium waste, instead of mixing fresh "clean" water with chemicals that can burn your plants roots if mixed to strong. 

PLEASE NOTE: if your tank has recently been treated for a disease your aquarium water probably shouldn't be used to water plants. also Marine water (saltwater), shouldn't be used. 

For further reading:

3/28/2016 03:54:36 am

nice post ... thanks for sharing

10/6/2016 01:16:59 pm

There are many benefits for having a 55 gallon fish tank. Small aquariums are easy to setup and maintain. They also can relieve stress as you will be able to watch your fish swim gracefully around your fish tank.


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