The first african cichlid i had in my 80 gal tank was an Electric Blue Johanni. his name was Congo. Male johannis' are a stunning blue while females  are a bright yellow. these fish are on the more aggressive side of cichlids. These saffron and turquoise beauties hail from the east part of lake Malawi , near Tanzania and Mozambique. Its scientific name is Melanochromis Johanni. it should be kept with other aggressive mbuna cichlids such as zebras and kenyi. 

These cichlids are very popular in the hobby, and isn't very rare to find in chain pet stores such as petsmart. they are easily identified by a turquoise blue color that range from very bright to almost grey , and black horizontal lines in males as well as a black " M " shape between its eyes , Females are often smaller and light yellow. Johannis have round cylindrical bodies. This fish is stubbornly territorial so it must have its own space in the tank that it can claim as its own. Electric blue johanni cichlids are mouth brooders . the female will carry a clutch of eggs for around 28 days.

General information about this species 

Water hardness : hard 
PH: 7.5 to 8.5 

Behavior: very aggressive and verry territorial
Size: about 5 inches
Water temperature: 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit 
Demand in the hobby: high and very common
Price Range : 15.00 ( what i paid for mine ) 
this is not a fish for beginners despite its availability 

This is a dedication.

<---- Congo, my first electric blue johanni male , just recently past for what we think were internal injuries or complications from a fight , or perhaps a genetic defect , he spontaneously stopped eating and got thinner and thinner , he would eat when he could but if the other fish were around he would back down , Congo showed no sign of disease , and lived like this for two months before finally succumbing to either his tank mates or something else. we've watched for disease symptoms and nothing has surfaced. like it should have after a two month wait.I have just recently added another electric blue ,another strapping male with a sea blue body and an iridescent turquoise face.  RIP Congo.